Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Days 736205-736570

Imbecile childish writing about good music

Same deal as last year - This list focus on 2017 releases that in my opinion didn't got the headlines they deserved. I see absolutely no reason for another list of "I like this and that and that" which eventually is just another generic list with the same names you see again and again in different rankings. 
Oxbow, PigsX7, Brainbombs, Godflesh, Vagabon, Endon, Woe, Unsane, Ragana, Fäulnis, Circle, Stupeflip, Gnod, Pissed Jeans, Jute Gyte, and that list carries on and on.. and you've all heard them, or saw their name shines in so many lists, so why the hell would you need another one to do that ?

Last year's list was pretty huge, I've tried to do this one much shorter, because a lack of time and will to write so much. For some convenience and order I've written it in four parts.
There is no particular order, enjoy

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